The Great Divorce
The Great Divorce, a novel by British author C.S. Lewis, explores his concept of purgatory. The ideas presented in the novel draw upon the writings of St. Augustine,…
A Bible Synopsis with Commentary: Original Sin
After describing the creation of the cosmos, the Bible focuses on Adam and Eve, the first humans. They lived in the Garden of Eden, where the LORD God…
A Bible Synopsis with Commentary: The Beginning
In the year 2025, I propose to write a synopsis of the Bible with my personal commentaries appended. Whether I turn out to be the hero of my…
Mark Twain: The Master Phrasemaker
Mark Twain wrote: “Writing is easy. All you have to do is cross out the wrong word. To get the right word in the right place is a…
Thoughts on Prayer
The purpose of prayer is to develop a relationship with God. When we have a relationship with God, he blesses us. God desires for his children to prosper,…
Random Notes on Jewish and Christian Writings
The Hebrew Bible, known as the Tanakh, is organized into three main sections: The Mishnah was created to preserve Jewish law and guide daily life. Rabbi Judah ha-Nasi, also…